(Photos) Wait…What?? a White Students Union… Against Black Lives Matter??

There’s a reporting that a there is a Facebook page created for the white audience at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign called “Illini White Students Union” and has gained many followers even outside the university and is growing, we’re not even done yet, the group has drawn even more attention after it characterized the national Black Lives Matter movement as “terrorism”. You’ve had to read more on this story and spread it…

South Carolina DMV Demands Teen To Take Off His Make-Up Before License Photo!

Sixteen year old, Chase Culpepper, considers himself “gender non-conforming” and he wears make-up everyday, well, except the day he has to take a picture that will end of on his ID until he turns 21. When he went into the DMV for what should be every 16 year old’s most exciting day, he was humiliated by being forced to take off his make-up for his license picture because he was said to have been “wearing a disguise.” Now Chase is fighting back, find out more after the jump!

Instagram Stepping On Your 1st Amendment Rights By Banning Hashtags?!? Here’s A List!!!

Well kinda, in the form of you can’t post certain hashtags, yes hashtags. Now I understand not posting actual photo’s of certain things, but banning hashtags is a little ‘not the american way’.

Tunisian Rapper Sentenced To Jail For Insulting Police????

Some may criticize or even dislike the country we live in, but this story will give you a new found appreciation for the freedom of speech given to us all in the good ol’ U.S. of A.! Tunisian Rapper Klay BBJ was recently arrested for spittin’ some rhymes that police were not too fond of, hit the jump for more detail!

NEW MUSIC: Wale- Freedom Of Speech

Hit the jump to hear a new track by Wale called “Freedom Of Speech”. Let us know what you think! Melissa Nash

Tech Talk News: Hacktivists Share Pride in San Francisco

Hackers target San Francisco BART public transit website, making it the #1 hacking target! Don’t judge so fast. It’s only because San Fran tried to shut down cell phone service to prevent protests. Hey, Cali, this is America (not London.) We roll with freedom of speech after the jump. Tat WZA WZA on Google+ X Emma Rabid

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