Oakland Is Going To Start Giving Reparations To Their Residents Who Have Marijuana Convictions

Weed is legal in Oakland now, but it wasn’t always, and there are many residents who have charges due to the popular (and harmless) drug. Back in May, Oakland City Council began plans to help boost their legal medical cannabis industry, which is projected to grow into a $40 billion industry in the U.S. by 2020. One of the proposals was that people who have been locked up for a weed-related charge – who are currently ineligible to have a legal license to sell weed because of their felonies – would not only be eligible, but moved to the TOP of the eligibility list as well. AKA, they’d be made a priority to approve first, as reparations for their previous charges.

President Bush’s Attorney General OK’s Legal Pot

Alberto Gonzales the former Attorney General from the Bush administration doesn’t have a problem with people in Colorado or people in Washington getting high, aside from the fact that it’s against Federal Law. In other words he doesn’t really care if you want to get high as long as it doesn’t get you in trouble. This is an interesting stance for a prominent Republican to speak this way is not traditional and most prominent politicians take a more anti drug use policy. Gonzales goes on to list some reasons why the federal Government might want to keep it illegal but it may not be the reasons you suspected. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

Mark Wahlberg Producing TV Show About Marijuana

Marky Mark Wahlberg has been producing hits on TV for years now, with the success of the hit Entourage, and How To Make It In America HBO series, I expect big things from his new show about the legalization of marijuana. The main show focuses on a corporate attorney who quits his job and joins the “legalize it” campaign in California as a result of a nervous breakdown. The show will bring to light the aspirations of these “legalize it” campaigners as the main character becomes an unexpected vocal leader for the group. For those of you who don’t know Marijuana is legalized for medicinal purposes in the state of California, but these people are campaigning for the recreational use of marijuana to also be legalized in the state that’s number one crop is Marijuana, I think this show will revolutionize the way people look at recreational marijuana and the incredible diversity of the people that enjoy it. Hit the jump for more. PaulDaPro

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