(Photos) First Glimpse At Barack And Michelle First Date Movie ‘Southside With You’

The first photos for the upcoming film ‘Southside With You’ recently surfaced on the web. The photos feature Tika Sumpter and Parker Sawyers who play a younger Barack and Michele Obama. The movie is inspired by the first date the couple went on and chronicles time and events leading up to their wedding. Read more below.

President Obama To Become First President To Visit A Federal Prison; Pushing Prison Reform

Whether you’re a supporter or an opponent, one must concede President Barack Obama continues to make historical milestones. After pushing for the non-lucid, controversial free trade agreement Trans- Pacific Partnership, the president is redirecting focus on overhauling the criminal justice system. On July 16, President Obama will be the first sitting U.S. President to visit a federal prison and spread his message.

(Video) President Obama Sings ‘Amazing Grace’ To Close Eulogy

Today, President Obama delivered the eulogy at Senator Clementa Pickney’s funeral and it will most likely go down as one of his most powerful speeches while in office. To close his speech, the President lead the congregation by singing ‘Amazing Grace!’

(Photos) Charleston: President Obama To Give Eulogy At Reverend Pickney’s Funeral Today

Today, (Senator) Reverend Clementa Pickney–one of the nine members of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston that were murdered at the hands of domestic terrorist, Dylann Roof–will be laid to rest. President Obama is set to give the eulogy at today’s funeral service.

(Video) Cornel West Calls Out Obama For Being “Ni**erized”

Following President Obama’s use of the the n-word – while discussing the current existence of racism – during his stop by Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, conversation has been sparked about the word, and has added to Cornel West’s use of a ‘this century’ term; a term in which he used, and heavily during his stop by CNN on Monday. Hit the jump for more.

(Audio) President Obama Uses The N-Word (ER) … Forgivable, Or Nah?

Apparently, even as the President of the United States, your ‘Black card’ remains valid. “Racism, we are not cured of it,” President, Barack Obama said to Marc Maron, during his stop by the comedian’s WTF podcast. While the conversation on racism is alive and well these days, that’s not the what has people’s minds boggled. Hit the jump for more.

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