(Video) Explosions Rock Syrian Capital

Violence in Syria continues after a series of explosions stunned the capital city of Damascus. Hit the jump for more. steveisDOPE

(Video) New Attacks On Western Troops Following Koran Burnings

A rash of new attacks occurred in Afghanistan following the recent Koran burnings. 7 US troops were wounded as protests continue. Hit the jump for more. steveisDOPE

(Video) Explosion Hits Syrian Protest

As the violence increases, Syrian protesters continues to be steadfast in their revolution. A violent shelling left 16 dead at a recent rally. Hit the jump for more steveisDOPE

(Video) Caught On Tape: Assad Sniper Versus Syrian Rock Throwers!!! Guess Who Takes The L!!!

Check out this video of people putting their lives at risk to throw rocks at a what appears to be a sniper. One guy loses is life. Click below to see the video. @WiLMajor

(Video) Inside The Battle Of Homs, Syria

CNN has had steady coverage of the civil unrest in Syria. While some of us may overlook what is occurring in Syria and more specifically the city of Homs, it is important to understand the violence is not slowing. Many lives have been lost and the city of Homs is still under siege. A video detailing the current situation is after the jump. steveisDOPE

(Video) U.N. Officially Condemns Syria

The conflict in Syria continues to escalate as the United Nations officially passes measures to condemn the violence. Hit the jump for the video. steveisDOPE

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