(Video) Kanye West Reveals “Famous” Broke His 7 Year Writer’s Block

In his latest moment of clarity, Ye takes to the stage in the Philippines to let everybody know why his song where he disrespects Taylor Swift, Famous, is most important to him and helped him get back his mojo. Hit the jump.

Taylor Swift SKYROCKETS Drake & Future’s “Jumpman” Sales After Apple Commercial

After Taylor Swift did the “Jumpman” Apple commercial last week, Drake & Future’s heater has seen sales through the roof this week. Hit the jump for the numbers !!

(Video) Taylor Swift Raps To “Jumpman” In New Apple Commercial

If you didn’t get enough of Taylor Swift rapping on “Shake It Off” well than this post has the perfect thing for you. Hit the jump.

A$AP Ferg Has A Song He Wants Taylor Swift On

Yup – a little out of the box, but not really considering he’s already collabed with big pop stars such as Ariana Grande. In lieu of his sophomore album, Always Strive and Prosper (A$AP), that’s about to drop, Ferg says he’s got a song on the album that’s good, but having Taylor Swift on it would make it great. Hit the jump.

(Video) Kanye West Goes On A Rant At 1Oak Over Finger In The Booty Comments

We knew it was only a matter of time before Kanye went on a public rant about Amber’s fingers in the booty comments. Last night at 1Oak in Los Angeles, Yeezy grabbed the mic to share some of his thoughts with the crowd. He started off talking about Taylor Swift and explained that he called her before mentioning her on his new album and even consulted with Kim. He then went on to say that for the record, he NEVER let Amber Rose go anywhere near his a*shole. Hmmmm….. Listen to Kanye’s full rant below.

Taylor Swift Donates $250k To Ke$ha For Dr. Luke Court Battle

Ke$ha is currently in an ongoing battle with producer Dr. Luke, as she’s stuck in a 9-album contract with him and Sony Records that she wants to get out of, because of alleged sexual and mental abuse. The pop singer went to court late last week and was denied release, but she’s been garnering the support of her peers in the fight. Joining the growing list of celebrity supporters that includes Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Halsey and more, Taylor Swift has stepped up the plate to help. E! News reports that Tay Tay has donated $250,000 to Ke$ha “to help with any of her financial needs during this trying time.” Ke$ha’s mom later confirmed via Twitter. What a tough time, man. My prayers are with Ke$ha!

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