Judge Tells Man Even Though He’s Alive He Is Still Legally Dead???

An Ohio native who “disappeared” in 1994, was assumed dead because of his long department, yet when he resurfaced a couple of years ago trying to gain a driver’s license, the presumed corpse got a nice little surprise and is learning the hard way that it is not that easy to resurrect yourself from the dead, hit the jump for more detail!

Starbucks CEO Calls For Petition To End The Government Shutdown!!!

If politicians aren’t making a move, Big Coffee/Money Maker Howard Schultz, sure is!! The CEO of the Starbucks franchise, has voiced his opinion on the recent political controversy shining over our nation, as we continue with the government shut down! Shultz is demanding that all of the state workers suffering from the governments lack of decision, be allowed back to work hit the jump for more detail!

(Video) Riff Raff Threatens To Fight An Audience Member That Did THIS!!!!

Rapper (I Think?), Riff Raff was performing in Ohio when an anonymous audience member threw a beer can at him. Immediately after, he tells the DJ to cut the music and yells this…

(PHOTOS) LOL!! Guess What One Guy Did To His Girlfriend So She’d Stay Faithful!!

Honestly, it’s just as ridiculous as the picture. A 40-year-old Mexican man kept his 25-year-old girlfriend padlocked in her pants to keep her from cheating. After hours of having to use the restroom, the unidentified woman went to authorities in Veracruz to help her out… literally. While they helped, she claimed that this act wasn’t uncommon and that her boyfriend had been doing it for years. Check out the picture of her pants after the jump.

(Pics) Money Talks!! A Couple Of Guys From Brooklyn Are Charging People To View Graffiti!!

British graffiti artist, Banksy, decided to bless the city of New York with various works of graffiti art. He plans to reveal a new work of art for each day in October. But, in East New York, Brooklyn’s going hard for the money. According to pictures and video, three men are covering up Banksy’s work with cardboard and charging potential viewers for the gaze. Hit the jump for more.

(Caught On Tape) Damn! Woman Needed Reconstructive Surgery After Police Did THIS!!!

47-year-old Cassandra Feuerstein is now after police. She’s claiming –in a federal lawsuit– that they used excessive force when pushing her into a jail cell. She later explains that reconstructive surgery was needed to “replace the bones that had been shattered.” Her claims aren’t without proof, there’s footage from jail surveillance cameras that show Officer Michael Hart doing exactly what Feuerstein claims. In the video, she complies as she gets patted down, and after her mugshot is taken, Hart hurls her into the cell where she hits the concrete bench face first! Check it out after the jump.

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