(Video) DEA Agent Told Not To Enforce Drug Laws In White Areas

Former US Marshall and DEA Agent, Matthew Fogg, has come out in a recent video where he discloses how he was ordered not to go into white neighborhoods to enforce drug laws. The same drug laws that have hindered the lives of many, specifically in low income areas which are predominantly composed of African-Americans and Latinos.

(Video) George Bush Speaks On Grand Jury Decision In Eric Garner Case, But What Is He Talking About?

George Bush Speaks On Grand Jury Decision in the Eric Garner case, and Bush is the last person we would expect to comment, but now that he has, what is he talking about?? I get him saying it’s sad, and he’s right, but talking about ‘remembering back to race riots in the 70’s’, what about remembering back to Katrina, and not landing to be with the people?? How about remembering back to stealing the election(twice) by not letting Black people vote in his Brothers state(Gov Jed Bush) of Florida?? And the protests at his inaugural ceremony??

Naughty, Naughty: Robin Thicke Gets In Trouble By The Police For Doing WHAT?!

Robin Thicke may be getting over Paula Patton, but it’s clearly not easy for the singer. The “Blurred Lines” singer got a ticket over Labor Day Weekend for BLASTING his music at his Hollywood Hills home on Monday night/Tuesday morning. The police gave him a warning to lower the volume and he completely disregarded them as soon as they walked away. They came back immediately and ticketed him for the loud music. He also appeared to be drunk which was totally fine since he was in his house. According to inside sources, this is actually the second time this WEEK that the cops were called to Thicke’s home for noise complaints. Looks like he’s trying to live that “turn down for whatttttttt” lifestyle since Paula is completely out of the picture. Do you, boo boo!

Wait What??? Someone Got A Ticket For Wearing Google Glass?!

Ummm, This is beyond ridiculous, especially coming out of California, the state where Tech lives! Apparently they have idiotic law out there about ‘Monitors being in site of a driver’, and also apparently that includes Google Glass.

Police Group’s Protest Attorney Gen. Marijuana Policy Announcement?!?!

Police authorities have been battling the “war on drugs” for decades now , so of course when Attorney General Eric Holder announced that new policies would be implemented in Washington and Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana for adults, groups of law enforcement joined together to protest the policy, Hit the jump for the full story!

Lindsay Lohan Misses Flight With Looming Court Date

Lindsay Lohan is expected to appear at court Monday morning in Los Angeles to address her lying to law enforcement charges, but according to TMZ she wasn’t on her Saturday evening flight back to LA. Instead Lohan went out to see a band in NYC called “City of the Sun” last night, planning to schedule a flight for later on tonight though she has yet to do so. If she cant make her court date a bench warrant will be put out for her and she surely doesn’t need that. She had better make that 8:30 AM PT court date or she’s going to be put in cuffs. Do you think she’ll make it? Stay tuned for updates!

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