(Video) Chinx’ Death Connected To The 2007 Death Of Stack Bundles?

Could it be? Chinx’ death connected to the 2007 death of Stack Bundles? The New York Police Department seem to think so.

(Video) Got Em! Serial Hammer Attacker Shot By Police In Manhattan

You may have heard of the “Hammer Attacker” who hit four people with a hammer Monday in Union Square. Well, today as he attempted to make a female NYPD OFficer his fifth victim, her partner happened to be crossing the street behind her. The officer quickly pulled out his weapon, and fired, hitting the attacker in the middle of the street. The whole thing was caught by a surveillance camera. Check it out!

(Photos) NYPD Shoots Suspect Who Attacked Four Individuals In Union Square

Just blocks away from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station in Manhattan, the NYPD has shot a suspect who is believed to be the person that attacked four individuals in Union Square earlier this week. Hit the jump for more details.

(Photos) Thousands Of Friends, Family And More Mourn Fallen NYPD Officer Brian Moore

Today [Friday, May 8], 30,000 mourners were expected to attend NYPD Officer Brian Moore’s funeral. The service for Moore, 25, is being held at St. James Roman Catholic Church on the South Shore of Long Island, where his family, friends, uniformed officers, New York Police Commissioner William Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio will attend.

Queens NYPD Officer Dies After Being Taken Off Of Life Support

Over the weekend, a manhunt was on go for Demetrius Blackwell, 35, after shooting a plain-clothed NYPD officer in the head. Brian Moore, 25, has been taken off of life support by his family, just two days following the incident. Moore’s father, who is a retired police office, is said to be “devastated” after making the decision, however, it needed to be done. The news was announced Monday afternoon. According to the New York Post, Police Commissioner William J. Bratton was seen entering the hospital around 12:30 p.m. to be at Moore’s bedside, along with his parents again. “I did not know this officer in person in life, I’ve only come to know him in death,” Bratton said to reporters outside the hospital this afternoon. For more hit the jump.

(Video) Update: NYPD Cop Shot In Head In Queens,

Update: NYPD Cop Shot In Head In Queens There’s a massive manhunt happening right now in search of a gunman that shot a plainclothes NYPD cop at 212th street and 104th avenue in Queens Village, NY.

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