Tamir Rice’s Mom Speaks Out With New, Awful Details: “I Want Police Conviction”

The mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by police in Cleveland for a toy gun, is speaking out, and has revealed sad new details in the story. After 2 neighborhood kids delivered the news about her son (and NOT the police, smh), Samiria Rice made her way to the park, and this is how the cops treated her:

I noticed my son laying down on the ground and I went charging and yelling and everything at the police because they wouldn’t let me through. Then I seen my daughter in the back of the police car — the same car that the shooter got out of. As I was trying to get through to my son, the police told me to calm down or they would put me in the back of a police car.

Can you imagine how traumatic that must have been? The family filed a lawsuit Friday against the city of Cleveland and the two officers, Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, involved. The lawsuit alleges excessive force, assault and battery and wrongful death in its causes of action. Naturally, they are asking for a conviction. Check out the full statement Tamiria made below, speaking out for the first time to local media since the Nov. 22 incident. RIP, Tamir Rice!

(Video) Caught On Tape: Times Square Arrest Shows Cops Aggression; Man Screams “I Don’t Sell No Fu**ing Drugs”

This is another crazy video of a police arrest of a citizen, Times Square Arrest Shows Cops Aggression, now we don’t know if the citizen is guilty or not, but either way, the punching in the face seems VERY unnecessary! Police are so all over the place, a couple uniform cops come and start to lay out the ‘under covers’ for punching n the citizen, and the homeless guy with the ‘I need money for weed’ sign screaming stop to the cops adds confusion, but it also seems because he’s white, the cops politely ask him to move on….wow.

(Video) NBA: Charles Barkley & Kenny Smith Go Back & Forth On Ferguson, Eric Garner

You had to know last night that the “NBA on TNT” was going to have to address the fact Kenny Smith wrote an open letter to Charles Barkley discussing his views on the situations in Ferguson and New York. Thankfully the network didn’t try to sugarcoat it and soon as the show started made it clear basketball talk was going to be on hold for a minute while Charles, Kenny & Shaq spoke on what is going on and more specifically the letter Kenny wrote to Charles. It seems we have been hearing from Charles non stop recently but that is only because people keep putting microphones in his face. All three of the guys make some good points regardless of what side of opinion you are on. Hit the jump.

NFL: Ricky Williams On Ditka – “White People Don’t Relate To Police Brutality”

In light of the what’s taking place, involving Ferguson, Eric Garner, etc., Ricky Williams has decided to chime in. After reassuring the world that his former New Orleans Saints’ coach, Mike Ditka, is NOT a racist, he goes on to say “white people [just] can’t relate to police brutality.” Williams then states that white people use racist language regularly but just don’t realize it. Wow, read more on Williams’ comments after the jump!

Unarmed Brooklyn Man Fatally Shot By NYPD Officer

Last night an unarmed Brooklyn man was fatally shot by a rookie NYPD officer. Read more inside.

(Video) Django Unchained Actress Says LAPD Police Brutality Was Because Of White Boyfriend

Daniele Watts, an actress from Django Unchained, was pursued by LAPD, cuffed, and thrown into the back of a patrol car Thursday outside LA’s CBS Studios. The true kicker is the reason. See the video below!

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