Man Kills Girlfriend Then Jumps In Front Of Train To Commit Suicide

So, in a world full of crazy news, the stories are just getting crazier! Early this morning a man allegedly murdered his girlfriend inside their home with three children present & then proceeded to lay on train tracks and was killed instantly by a incoming train. Hit the jump for details! Gernique N

12-Year-Old Bullied Boy Driven To Suicide Never Knew His Father Also Took His Own Life

A 12-year-old East Harlem boy who relatives say hanged himself because he was bullied in school shared the same tragic end as his father — they both committed suicide. Click below to read the rest of the story. WiL Major

(Caught On Tape) Russians Do Suicide Workout On Edge Of Bridge. Wow!!!

This is crazy. Not to mention the wind looks & sounds like something out of Hurricane home video. Thank goodness no one fell… Cause that would of got posted as well… DJ RellyRell

Dharun Ravi Will Be Sentenced On Monday For Charges Related To Tyler Clementi Suicide!

Dharun Ravi has had his trial in the spotlight since the suicide of Tyler Clementi, because of Ravi’s spying.  He was found guilty and is now facing up to 10 years for the webcam encounter back in 2010.  This case has been nothing less of controversial since it involved so many complicated subjects like discrimination against sexuality, suicide, gay rights etc.  Hit the jump to read why some don’t want him to be punished too badly. Steph Bassanini

(Video)Scorned Man Straps Himself With Explosives And Blows Himself Up In Ex-Girl’s House

A man from Canada holds his ex-girlfriend hostage for 6 hours with explosives attached to his body, over a break-up!  The man eventually released his ex before he blew himself up in her house! Hit the jump for the full story. Steph Bassanini

NFL: Thousands Attend Junior Seau’s Memorial Service & Chargers Retire His Jersey

Hours after Junior Seau was buried in his hometown, thousands of fans got their chance to cheer one more time for the hard-hitting, fist-pumping linebacker at the stadium where he starred for 13 seasons.  Read more after the jump. Shay Marie x @gametimegirl

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