Delta Air Lines Pulls Chris Rock’s “Kill The Messenger” Special Because Of Gay Slur

Delta Airlines recently apologized to it’s customers for airing Chris Rock’s Special “Kill The Messenger”, which has Chris Rock saying something inappropriate to the gay community. Hit the jump to check out what he said.

(Video) Lol: Conan Spazzes On Executive, Stands Up For His Interns

Conan has something special to say to a whole generation that “feels the bern”.

(Video) SMH: Little Kid Curses Out His Mom And Aunt

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this kid is cursing his life away or the fact that his mom (or aunt) is just dying of laugher instead of correcting him. Check out this lack of respect after the jump.

Azealia Banks Says She Has a “HUGE Crush” On Jay-Z, Says Beyonce Stood Her Up In The Studio

We all know Azealia Banks is no stranger in telling it like it is, no filters needed. Check out what she said about Beyonce and Jay-Z recently.

(Video) Two Guys Troll Gun-Control Liberals Who Don’t Know Anything About Guns

There’s been a lot of talk about gun control lately in this country because of the many mass shootings we’ve recently had. Many liberals have pushed for further gun control, like an all-out ban on assault rifles. But there one interesting question that political commentator and actor Steven Crowder brings up, how much do liberals know about guns?

The Roots Perform Their Latest Songs “Bittersweet” At NYC Stella Artois Dinner Series Event

The Roots took a great opportunity in making songs on a beer that does something pretty interesting to the 5 human senses, according to some people. It’ll make you hope that they’ll make more versions. Take a look at what they cooked up, honoring the brand of Stella Artois at a popular dinner event.

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