Uh Oh! AT&T And News Corp Looking To Hurt Netflix?!?

I mean I’m not against competition, but I do feel like this so not clean. If it weren’t Netflix, people would still be shackled to watching ‘content’ when it was good for someone else’s schedule. AT&T partnering with News Corp with $500M behind themare getting ready to ‘invest and launch’ a VOD(Video On Demand) service like Netflix.

Kevin Spacey Sends A Big “F*ck You” To Hollywood!

The amazing Kevin Spacey has declared his disinterest in any role given to him strictly on what directors think he can bring to a simple role. And unless you’re Martin Scorsese you may not have a chance!

TV News: ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season 2 Release Date!

I can’t even begin to express how freakishly excited I am about this news! And if you’re a fan like me, you should be too. Netflix has announced that Orange is the New Black Season 2 will be released in its entirety on June 6.

(Video) Check Out Amazon’s New Pilot’s They Want You To Vote On!!

As Netflix has proven, original content is the way to get absolute validity as a Content provider(especially if it’s award winning), and Amazon is back 5 pilots it wants it’s Prime people to take a look at and see which one should go into full production!

Netflix’s “House Of Cards” Gets 3rd Season Approval Before 2nd Season Starts!!!

This is Big for the streaming giant! Word is “House Of Cards” came into the joint with 2 seasons attached, but now after Golden Globe accreditation, the Show got an actual next season go ahead, before the 2nd season even starts! Netflix is becoming a true movie making company, SO DOPE!!

Check Out Netflix’s New Movie/TV Show Rotation!

Netflix is the way a lot of people watch their favorite shows and movies, and with the ever ‘new’, and ‘recently added’ lists changing, I’m always on Tues and Fri morns to see what they got, but now there is a schedule I, we know in advance!!!

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