Actually last night @DjTripleThreat and I were talking about this, He was telling me how although it wasn’t in the App Store, but he never deleted it, and it was still working for him, I was saying well yeah, they probably just were updating it, and BB is the one who lost support on it, and low and behold today, It’s Back in the App store, Hit the Jump for the improvements!!

Follow Tat WZA on Twitter/G+


Push Notifications are now working properly, and that was the major issue!

In the short time the app was public we received a lot of helpful feedback and feature requests. This included requests for everything from bigger features like multiple account support to customizations like improved notifications and mobile specific signatures. We’re just getting started with the Gmail app for iOS and will be iterating rapidly to bring you more features, including all the ones listed above plus many more.

Now I gotta tell Trip to will need to log out, uninstall, then re-install the App, in order to get the benefit of the Notification fix!!!