IFWT_New Glass Update 1
So I’m paying attention to the Glass forum non stop, as I am really excited to be apart of the explorer program, staying ahead of the Tech curve, but that’s just who I am. Glass does a lot already, but since it’s in Beta, it gets new and exciting features all the time, and today is one of those days!!

Tat Wza

Ok so I get an email from the forum about a new game app, of course who doesn’t want to play a new game, I immediately pick my Android up to go to my Glass App, and yup it’s there! I activate it, then pick my Glass up and start fiddling around. The selection of games is like Tennis, Shape Splitter(kinda like fruit ninja), Clay Shooter and more. I’m sitting so I didn’t get the full effect because of the way you have to turn your head to get to things, like Tennis, to hit the ball back, you have to turn more than just your head to your shoulder. There is no way to fully understand if you can’t play, BUT go ahead and Check the gallery to see the way it’s set up!

There is Also an update that allows you to tweet by talking to Glass….Very Cool! Prior you were only allowed to post pictures to Twitter.