(Video) Caught On Tape: European PS4 Release Gets Crazy!!

This may feel like old footage to us in the U.S. but it’s actually new because the PS4 just hit european store this last week, and it lead to their own Black Friday type situation!

(Video) Young Guru Let’s Us Know About His Google Glass Experience

I have been waiting for for an invite for a little while now, waiting to the point I started to lose my excitement. But as I ran across this footage of extraordinary music producer, Young Guru, having such a beautiful tech experience, I have been reinvigorated with excitement!!

(Video) Did ISON Comet Survive Impact With The Sun?!

Some of you may not have known about it, but a couple of days ago the Astronomy community around the world held their breathe as the ISON Comet was on a course with the sun, which btw, could have been extremely dangerous to the earth, should the comet have caused a Major solar flare that spewed toward the earth, we could have been hit with an EMP, killing ALL electronics, which would have def set us back a few years!!

(Video) F’ing Cool!! A Live Interactive 3D Avatar!!

I could be wrong, maybe it’s only cool as hell to a geek like me, but I doubt it, this is Cool!!

(Video) Here’s How Someone Picks Out Google Glass!!!

So a good friend of mine got invited to be apart of the Google Glass Exploration program, a program that’s in beta and not available to the public, which makes very important for testing to make it right for when it is avail to the public!!

Microsoft Gives A Statement On Xbox One Malfunctions, Here’s What You Have To Do!!!

The other day, just 48 hours after Xbox One launched, the news of a Major Malfunction went viral, But rest assured, Microsoft has your Back!!

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