(Photos) Here’s How Stop Recent Calls/Texts From Showing Up In iOS8

A lot of dudes were asking me, ‘yo how do you stop the recent calls/texts from showing up when I hit the home button twice’….this seems to be a domestic issue, but I’m here for you!

(Video) Samsung’s Galaxy S5 Does The #IceBucketChallenge!

While Apple big dog employees like Tim Cook, and Dr. Dre have doe the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Samsung has decided to let the product do the challenges for them, the GS5 does what the iPhone can’t do, get wet!

(Video) Ballin!! A $4K Gold iPhone Case!!!

If you’re a Russian National, this may very well be on you holiday wish list, although it doesn’t make sense(at least to me) to get a case worth 4x’s as much as the device you’re ‘protecting’, like what’s gonna protect the case?!

(Video) iPhone 6 Compared To The 5S….Size Matters!!!

Keep in mind, the iPhone 6 is a ‘mock up’ model, 3D made, which is based off spec leaks, but should everything be correct, which don’t have a reason to think it’s not…

(Photos) Charge Key Might Be The Only USB Cable You’ll Ever Need!!

While I was at CES I ran into hundreds of people, and some were there to show their wonderful products off, but most came to see them. The best thing of course was actually being able to try the products out for yourself, which was super limited due to hundreds if not thousands trying to be the next one to do so. As I was there as press, some manufacturers wanted me to see the products a little closer, and that’s what brings us here.

iPhone 5S & 5C Coming To WHAT Carriers?!

That’s right, for all of those people out there living that month to month life, only spending $30 to $50 on their mobile needs, only seeing others with the iPhone, You too can join in on the Reindeer(iOS) games!! Boost and Virgin Mobile will be getting the New iPhones!!!

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